The Communication Gap

A relatively well-known consultancy farm appointed BiopicLab to assess their resources in order to accelerate business growth. For that, every personnel had been talked with.
Several weakness was found. There was a mental gap between the management and staff. In that company, top management just takes decision and circulates among the staff. Actually, the culture of debate-discussion from the employee had not been developed. The employee just conveys the order than to own the decision. To counter this, BIopibLab preferred a ‘cultural development and management officer’ whose role would be to maintain relationship with staffs on behalf of company. In other words, he would be a bridge between management and staffs. This might work to reduce the existing gap. A person who works in public relation, might fit for this experimental post.
There were two owners of that company. One of them was head of the architectural consultancy wing and another was head of the construction wing. Philosophy of perceiving world, style of interacting with other person, process of making decision, intellectual height, leadership approach and so many other things vary from person to person. As a result, the mindset of an employee when he is interacting with one owner, would differ from another owner. Apart from this, some employee only has to deal with one chair-person. In spite of that, there was no scope dealing with one person in office space because they placed their desk side by side in a single room. It is a big blockade. If separate rooms could not be arranged in that set-up; at least, there should be a glass partition between two desks.
The salary used to be disbursed at 20th -25th of the next month. This had created a less-energetic, negative body language among the staffs. BiopicLab suggested to separate the employee into two groups. One group would receive salary at 10th of next month and another would receive at 20th. The groups would be rotated from 10th to 20th. This would make the staffs believing that the company is really doing their best for them.
An SOP and ‘required quality list’ for each post would clarify the vision of the employees. A new joined member would find it pretty helpful. Moreover, there would be a segment where the required quality and courses for each and every position could be enlisted. Thus, the employee would get an idea about the mandatory pre-requisition of their desired post.
Some minor issues also immerged from that discussion. BiopicLab shared its insight with the owners.