A total of 30-35 local businesses with annual sales ranging from TK 5 crore to TK 1500 crore have collaborated with Biopiclab so far. In addition to this, Biopic Lab has collaborated with innumerable businesses with annual revenues of under 5 crores. In that regard, it can be claimed that none of Bangladesh’s small and medium-sized businesses are aware of their own needs, and the managing director is typically preoccupied with micromanaging or retail jobs. Despite not being paid, they hold the legal status of MDs because they founded the company.

Finding qualified staff is one of these businesses’ major problems. They must begin working without knowing how long they will be able to operate the company, which cannot be a nice place for an intelligent person looking for employment. The inability to pay workers at market rates or the potential for months-long salary suspensions are additional deterrents to hiring qualified personnel. Because of this, familiar acquaintances or relatives who are also having trouble finding work or who have suffered financial losses from running their businesses join these organizations. Domestic corporations must begin dealing with these personnel despite having known about their incompetence from the start. Because employees are unreliable, MDs must be assigned to all types of roles in businesses of all sizes. Ten to twelve years pass during which the business expands without any attention being paid to process or system development. Some individuals from outside of their own community—some of whom are qualified—are hired by these businesses after an extended procedure. There is a dispute between the deserving and the undeserving. Competent people are aware that, in order to move a firm forward, it is not possible to keep everyone who may have been qualified to work there when it first started. And those incompetents seek survival through flattery while exalting the labor issue amid the company’s sorrow. The business stagnates as a result, but due to excessive corruption and a lack of process, system loss becomes apparent and income keeps declining. It is similar to the pre-2001 SSC batch traders’ organizational structure and may be adapted to any company with only minor changes.