Personality Process Mapping: Individual Case Study-I

One project on a specific person stands out among the many BioPicLab projects on personality process mapping. The 38-year-old man is the father of a 5-year-old kid and works in the supply chain at a reputable corporation in the country. The man had a homosexual relationship with a cousin of his own age for five years, from class five to class nine. Because the trauma never leaves the person, a nervous breakdown still happens.
He says that the therapy from the psychiatrist could never bring any positive changes in him. So what can BioPiclab do to help him? The response is that the only outcomes are exorbitant spending on psychiatric services and deterioration from anti-anxiety medication, so his goal in coming to BioPiclab is to get some tasks that will let him forget the experience. He is not willing to receive any psychiatric counseling anymore.
After four sessions with him were completed to better understand the crisis, he was given the following three tasks:
1. Once every ten days, invite your gay cousin (who is also married) over for a visit.
2. Photographing your daughter before and after you leave for work every day, with a different framing each time.Create an album with your favorite photos, and write a letter every week to different people.
3. On your way home from work every day, speak with a store owner or a low-status person and write down your observations.
Was he able to move past the trauma by completing these chores? likely not. He doesn’t even attempt to contact or invite his cousin. He struggles to come up with conversation topics with the shopkeeper. After spending two to five days taking pictures with the girl, it also became boring for him. The patient developed indigestion after taking the psychiatrist’s medication for a while; however, since he did not administer the methods suggested to him by BioPicLab in this situation, it was of no use.
This creates a conflict for BioPiclab’s efforts of this kind: if one has the will, one needs nothing; if one does not, no tricks will come to any use.